January 23, 2025

Primary Care for All

An initiative that will transform the U.S. health system so that it is driven by Advanced Primary Care by Scott Conard, MD There is a group of us who are working together to bring a foundation of advanced primary care to every American. With this foundation we can establish a “system” of care for America that will significantly reduce the confusion, disorganization, low health literacy, inappropriate navigation, and excess costs. At this time our initiatives are:To Renew the commitment to a primary care system: Create a renewal process that will stimulate deep reflection that leads to re-discovery and embrace of the core values, goals and sense of purpose that underlies the Family Medicine movement To Revitalize those believing in the value of advanced primary care: To inspire and to articulate a vision for the next stage that engages a community of innovators and early adopters who will act on the vision. To Transform the system: To advocate and act on systems change: from models to networks to systems to institutions. All of this is based upon primary care that makes a difference. Running patients through 40/day, handing out referrals and scripts at a record rate, at 7 minutes a visit or spending an hour with every patient, ordering every possible test – regardless of evidence base and/or pre-test probability. Nor is it about ignoring what is going out outside of the office and just caring for those who call and make an appointment. Advanced primary care calls us to provide a higher level of service and care. Truly in the old “Marcus Welby” vision of caring for people as they age – having a trusted relationship – and ensuring patients get the right care, at the right time, in the right place, and at the right cost. What are your thoughts about this? Is it realistic? Is it fair to ask primary care providers to do more without providing better tools, better data and information, proactive reimbursement, or other support? 

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We Are Healers

We did not go into medicine to survive in a system of computer/paper work, administrative hassle, financial struggles, or corporate employee gamesmanship. by Scott Conard M.D. We are healers, and we make a tremendous difference in our patients lives. But misaligned incentives, the industrialization of medicine, legal and administrative burdens, and the perceived lack of value of primary care is creating a situation where surviving has replaced thriving. Our patients, the corporations they work for, and the US need us to get back to our purpose. The healthcare system must be built on a foundation of high quality, advanced primary care – and those delivering it must thrive, not just survive. This transformation begins with primary care providers investing in themselves and becoming the influential forces they can be. Working together, standing for themselves and their patients, with a clear and articulate message, we will make a stand for our value, the health and well being of our patients, and the success of our practices. If you are in primary care and are ready for change, then come reconnect with why you went into medicine, reconnect with the excitement and satisfaction you imagined, and become the leader in your lives, practices, community, and maybe the nation for the primary care system that will serve you, your patients, our corporations, and the country. Read more: https://themdceo.com/we-are-healers/

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