May 31, 2024: Physician/Clinician and Team Compensation

Moving from Fee for Service to Prospective Payment in Primary Care: Advanced Primary Care: The Future of Primary Care – Part 12 Sponsored by              WWW.THEMDCEO.COM  We really need to understand how to align the incentives for both of the clinicians and their team, so they value access and trust. How do we do that? There are some tools that we have that can help us. The 11-item Person Centered Primary Care Measure is an excellent survey tool that CMS has now approved that could be used to assess the patient’s engagement and trust with their practice. ( We highly recommend this tool as it allows the patient/consumer to inform you if effective primary care is being offered. We also want to reward clinicians for managing complexity so looking at patients’ risk scores and what their panel looks like as far as overall risk is a great way for us to think about compensating clinicians based on the complexity of their panel. Likewise, we think it’s important that the team is properly incentivized and that you allow in your contracts with your clinical team’s rewards for each team member or across the team equally so that team members are rewarded for providing good access and providing good care and maintaining good connections with their patients. Also having a conversation that’s focused on leading indicators that empowers the staff to be able to get things done is valuable. It is really important to have them be empowered and rewarded for what they can control and their response and aligning those incentives with what the system wants to achieve is the key to have the system actually achieving It is also important to link the compensation model with the goals for center transformation and clinical excellence. Just be sure that the focus is on things that the clinicians and the clinical team can directly influence. This would mean that data has to be available about the leading indicators. Scott Conard, MD              Michael Tuggy, MD                  Susan Lindstrom                 Laurence Bauer, MSW, MEd [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected] #innovation #healthinnovation #advancedprimarycare #apc #directrimarycare #dpc #healthinnovation #healthbenefitinnovation #healthrisk  #trustiscurrencyprimarycare #healthliteracy #primarycare revolution #newhealthcaresystem #betterheatlhcaresystem #wholepersonriskscore #intuitivewellbeing #highvaluevisits #personalhealthassistant #MyPHA #intuitiveanalytics #healthcareanalytics #advancedprimarycare #APC #Directprimarycare #valuebasedcare #medicareadvantage #populationhealth #wholepersoncare #healthcare innovation

May 31, 2024: Physician/Clinician and Team Compensation Read More »